Monday, July 18, 2005

BFL W7, D1

10:00 a.m. FF Cottage Cheese & FF Yogurt
12:00 p.m. South Beach Chicken Wrap and FF Jello
3:00 p.m. Protein Shake & Apple
5:30 p.m. Chicken Breast, Pasta, Green Beans

Water - 4 bottles

8:00 p.m. Upper Body - Mixed Feelings. Really felt good to work out. Made me remember a little of how I used to feel. However, I lifted in shorts and a sports bra and the sight of my belly about made me sick. I need to think of that as motivation. If I stay strong, it will go away and I'll look as sexy as I feel.

Weighed in at 159.5 today and feel like it. Yuck. I'm seriously going to try really hard this week.


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