Saturday, January 07, 2006

Week 1 - Progress Report

So, I've finished my first week of the new year. I did ok. Better in some areas than others. Here were my goals for this week and how I did.

1. Plan Meals - I did create a meal plan for the week.
2. Stick to Meal Plan - I didn't do too bad. Some of my dinners changed or got out of order, but we didn't eat out, so that was good.
3. At least 1 Healthy Meal - I did make chicken one night.
4. Drink at least 3 bottles of water daily - Not so much. I think I have today, but not other days.
5. At least 1 time on treadmill - Nope
6. Update Fitness blog - I'm doing it now.
I will weigh-in tomorrow, but I don't think I lost any weight.

1. Only 1 lunch out - Yes. And it was only 3.79!
2. Update Budget Spreadsheet - Yes.
I also was very good at the grocery store this week. I took a calculator and kept track of what I was buying. I even put some things back to help stick to my planned budget. Didn't use the credit card.

- Didn't have any goals this week. I did send out my transcript requests for the community college this week.

1. Bible Study 5 Days - Only did 3
2. Memorize Verse - Yes. Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future."
3. Tithe - Yes

Personal Development
1. E-mail friend - I did e-mail an old friend, but not the one I planned on.


At 9:05 AM, Blogger Mrs. T said...

Great job! Keep it up!


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