Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Week 4, Day 3

8:00 a.m. Protein Shake & Apple
10:45 a.m. FF Cottage Cheese & FF Yogurt
12:30 p.m. Salad w/Chicken from Broad St.
4:15 p.m. Protein Shake & LF Popcorn
7:40 p.m. Chicken Fajita & Carrots
10:00 p.m. FF Cottage Cheese & 2 bites FF Yogurt

Water - 5 bottles.

Planned - Buns & Thighs Pilates DVD.

Actual - 3 sets 15 of donkey kicks (for butt) and side leg lifts for each side. I didn't realize that we had moved the basement DVD player upstairs when we were trying to sell the TV at the yard sale, so I couldn't do my video in the basement. Eric was watching TV upstairs, so I improvised and did other lower body exercises. I'll try to get Eric to move the DVD player back downstairs this week or weekend.

Originally planned to come home, feed Grace, then fix dinner and exercise during happy awake time, then go to grocery store when Eric got home and Grace took her evening nap. However, the daycare didn't do the normal schedule today and Grace wasn't due to eat until 7:00 p.m. instead of 6:00, so we went straight to the Grocery. Now I have to wait until she goes to bed to do the video. Luckily nothing good on TV tonight :)

Diet wasn't an issue today. Very happy about that. I'm hoping I'm getting back into the swing of things although I am not looking forward to struggling through the first bout of PMS.


At 8:40 AM, Blogger Mrs. T said...

Awesome job on eating. Sounds like you can do good when eating out at work, too. That's a bonus. At least you got some type of exercise in last night, too. Anything is good!


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