Friday, February 18, 2005

Week 3, Day 6

7:40 a.m. Protein Shake & Oatmeal
9:45 a.m. Shake & Apple
12:15 p.m. Salad w/Chicken from Broadstreet
3:30 p.m. Cottage Cheese & Yogurt
7:00 p.m. McDonalad's - 3 Chicken Selects, 11 French Fries (no coke!)

Water - 4 bottles

Planned - 25 situps. None. I totally forgot when we got there.

Thank goodness it's Friday. This has been a long week. I haven't even left for work and I'm already craving some Starbuck's but I must resist. There's about a 90% chance we'll be eating dinner on the road tonight, so I need to be as perfect as I can until then.

I'm putting my plan for today up here, but this won't be updated again until Sunday night or Monday.

Didn't do too bad. Ordered chicken, skipped coke and just had a few french fries. Didn't even realize I forgot the sit-ups until Saturday.


At 12:41 PM, Blogger Mrs. T said...

You better hold that weight off this weekend! You can do it. We want to see a maximum of 160 on your "Current Weight" sidebar. No more! you can do it! Stay strong this weekend and don't cave! Think about our rath come Monday! ;)


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