Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Day 3

7:10 a.m. - Protein Shake & Apple
11:15 a.m. - Chicken Breast, Rice, & Carrots
2:15 p.m. - Protein Shake & 1/2 Bag Lowfat popcorn
6:15 p.m. - Seasoned Ground Turkey mixed with brown rice and FF cheddar cheese (no veggies, baby was crying so I didn't get a salad made)
10:00 p.m - Cookie Dough

Water - 4 bottles

Plan is to do upperbody with weights and with the exercise ball. Done at 1:45 p.m. I should probably write out an actual plan though, so it's a bit more structured.

Today might be a little tougher. Yesterday I took a morning nap with Grace until 10:00 and then got to be productive the rest of the day. Today we have an appointment with the daycare at 9:30 a.m. I've already showered, so I can't exercise before the appointment, and I'm tired, so I'll need to nap during one of the afternoon naps. I just need to be sure I make time for exercise today. Food should be ok. I made enough chicken and rice last night for lunch today, so I just need to heat it up.

I had a big temptation today that I barely resisted. Since I was out visiting Grace's daycare this morning, and then stopped by her doctors office to drop off a form I need signed, I missed my morning snack. So by 11:00 a.m. I was hungry. I really wanted McDonald's. I actually pulled into the parking lot. The drive through line was long, however, so I just drove around the building and back out. I went straight home and warmed up my chicken for lunch. Maybe it didn't taste quite as good as those french fries and a Coke, but I didn't cheat! Yeah me!

Ok, now I did cheat. When I was trying to get Grace to sleep, all I could think of was the log of cookie dough sitting in my freezer. I was supposed to eat some cottage cheese and yogurt, but it just didn't compare. I gave in and now I feel slightly sick. Too much of a good thing. I really wanted a Coke too, but managed not to give in to that.


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