Sunday, January 30, 2005

Sunday, January 30 - Day 1

Today is my official weigh in day, although I haven't started eating right today. Mostly because I haven't been to the store yet, and I didn't plan todays meals. I am starting tomorrow though. I have a competition to win.

I've printed out sheets that will make it easy to plan my meals for the week and track at a glance if I've eaten right, exercised, and drank all my water for the day. As soon as I finish here, I'm going to plan my meals and make my grocery list. Then after the next baby feeding, I'll be heading to the store to stock up.

Anyway, I didn't take measurements, because honestly, I don't really want to know, but my starting weight is 163.5 pounds. My pre-pregnancy weight was 150.5, so I still have a way to go. I'd like to lose 10 pounds by my birthday which is March 1st. I'd like to be down to 145 by the end of our "GWO Challenge" which will be the April 17th weigh in.

I haven't decided if I'll really be doing "free days" this time. Mostly because I won't really be following the exercise plan. I'd actually love to do it full on, but it's almost impossible. After I go back to work I'm going to try to figure out how to go to the gym 2 workdays a week and maybe on Saturday, but I just can't possible go everyday now that we have the baby. Mornings aren't even an option until she starts sleeping through the night, and since the gym doesn't open until 6:30 a.m. and I have to have the baby fed, dressed and ready to go by the time Eric leaves at 7:30 a.m., I just don't know if it will ever be possible.

I did do something nice for myself this weekend. I got my eyebrows waxed and my hair done. I don't want to look like I've been in sweats for 2 months when I go back to work in a week. I also did a little shopping and bought 2 pair of work pants and a pair of jeans in a size 12. The largest I have in my closet is size 10, and while things can be buttoned, it's really uncomfortable and my belly and love handles overflow and make it look like I have a tire around my middle. Bigger clothes make me feel better. I also bought a couple of tops in large rather than medium. This is more for the chest region, which is still larger than pre-pregnancy, although it has began to shrink since we quit breastfeeding. Anyway, anything button-up I had before now pulls at the chest and shows off my bra between the buttons. While buying larger clothes doesn't seem like the way to start a diet, I had to have something more comfortable before I go back to work. There's nothing worse than squeezing yourself into too small clothes and feeling fat, unattractive, and uncomfortable all day long.

Ok, I better go start my meal plans so I can get to the grocery store. We're also out of formula and have been using free samples, so I better be a good Mom and get food for my child.


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