Saturday, April 02, 2005

I've been very very bad

I haven't updated in weeks. I've been busy. I'm going to try to do a better job. My friends are doing awesome. I already know I don't have a shot at winning this contest, but it's barely about that anymore.

I did lose a pound last week and we'll see what happens this week. My weight loss has been very slow, but I have lost 5 pounds and that's better than nothing. I'm a smart girl I realize why I am not losing weight faster (something about good food choices and exercise?). However, I have noticed a shift in my thinking. I don't eat right every time, but I do think about things before I do them and at least some of the time I make the right choice. That's more important than suceeding at a "diet."

I'm not giving up. In fact, I'm going to try really hard next week. Work should be better, so I should be able to come home on time and I'll try to actually get some exercise in. I should be able to find time to eat while I'm at work too, so I'll start bringing food in again. The best part is at the end of the week I get to see all of my girlfriends again. Yeah! That is reward enough to try to do my best. They all went and got skinny on me, so I better at least put forth the effort.

Ok ladies. I'm back.


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